Positive New Year Resolutions and Ideas For the Best Year

Are you a new years resolution person? I like to think most of us spend the end of the year preparing our resolutions for the new year, or at least thinking about what they want to accomplish. That’s the way it is supposed to work ya know. Start the new year off fresh. Unfortunately, what most people struggle with is actually sticking with their new year’s resolutions. Within a few months, life gets ahead of us and the resolutions get behind us. The actual statistics for new years resolutions are sad and disappointing. Here, I’ll list a few.

The Stats.

  • 72% of the population has some form of resolution, like a personal goal, lifestyle change or will to learn something new. Which was super great to read, until I read the rest of the statistics.
  • 22% of resolutions fail after the first week.
  • 40% of resolutions fail after a month.
  • 50% of resolutions will fail after the first three months.”
  • 60% of resolutions fail after six months.
  • Less than 8% of people actually stick to their resolutions through the end of the year.

Isn’t that disappointing? Why can’t we seem to stick to our resolutions? Can you imagine how much our lives could change if we would just stick to our resolutions, and make our goals a top priority? So, why not allow yourself to start over. If you fall off the wagon in the first month allow yourself to start over. And that’s why we are currently here, talking about this at the end of February.

So what, it’s almost two months late on what would be considered the “normal” time to list your New Years Resolutions. But, I don’t care. This year I am starting over right now. You can too! Why not? Starting over is way better than quitting altogether, we still have time, so don’t give up, don’t quit. Get your ass up and start over if you need to. I will start over 100 times if I have to.

Just a little information for ya.

So, let’s talk about resolutions. Why create a resolutions list anyway? What is so important about them? An article I read in Forbes magazine stated, “Strive to be in the minority of people who keep their New Year’s resolutions. But know even if you don’t keep everyone, the act of making them and striving toward them will have positive effects for you and for others.”

How many times did your spelling teacher make you write down your spelling words so you would remember how to spell them? It is proven that writing things down makes it easier for you to remember them. They also say writing down your resolutions and goals makes it that much more possible for them to actually get done. Having resolutions and goals, means you have something to work towards for the year.

We can find a job that pays the bills and then just settle in life, watching tv, scrolling social media, eating, sleeping, and working… OR.. or we can level up, create a world of opportunities, follow our hearts, and make dreams come true. Creating resolutions for the new year is just one of the strategies to use to catapult yourself into the direction of creating the life you want to live. So let’s get to it!

The best resolution ideas, to level up your life and have the best year ever.

Focus on Your Health.

Anytime I talk to someone they mention their health. The top resolutions on every list of new years resolutions have something to do with health. Most people want to eat better or lose weight. Whether it’s mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual your health is a very important aspect of your life. Most of us want to try to be better, eat better, stay positive, work out, but it is hard sometimes. Taking care of your health is work, it takes time, effort, research, and discipline. But the outcome of doing the things you need to do to be better can be astonishing. You would be surprised at how many things change when you focus on your health. Focus on your physical health, working out, and eating healthy and it helps your mental health. Focus on your mental health and emotional health becomes so much better. It’s a domino effect.

The unhealthier you are, the worse you may feel. If you are struggling with stomach problems, anxiety, stress, depression, being extremely tired, heartburn, just about anything, you can probably correlate it to your health. The way you treat yourself shows in just about every aspect of your life. So focus on your health. It is quite literally one of the best things you can do to make life easier, look and feel the best, and get rolling on the rest of your goals.

Find your passions

Sometimes we can be so consumed in life that we forget to find something we enjoy. Get up, go to work, come home, eat, workout maybe, shower, go to bed. Over and over and over again. Nothing about doing that sounds fun to me at all. This is where a good hobby or passion comes in. When you have something you thoroughly enjoy doing to look forward to it adds so much joy into your life. Everyone wants to live a life they enjoy, and you can’t do that without having things to enjoy in life. So go find something to dive into, something you love so much it feels like all of your problems disappear while doing it. Maybe you are crafty and love creating things, maybe you enjoy hiking and the outdoors, you never know what you will fall in love with until you are willing to try something new and take the time to do it. On top of all that so many people take their passions and hobbies and turn them into a profit, or a side hustle. Who knows having something you are passionate about could change your whole world.

Get your finances together

You can always strive to do a little better in the financial department. Pay off some extra bills, get out of debt, save, who knows maybe you need to cancel subscriptions you don’t use and put that money into some monthly investments. Could you imagine how much money you could have if you invested your Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, amazon prime or whatever money instead of spending it on subscriptions? Hell, some of you probably have over $100 a month in subscriptions. That’s $1200 a year. Imagine if you invested that. It almost makes me want to vomit to realize how much I could have had in investments throughout the years. There are so many things that are involved with setting a financial goal. The whole point of a resolution is to just do better. So do better with your money, it’s worth it.

Create a yearly bucket list/vision board

Everyone has things they want to do throughout the year. Write them all down. Write down your new years resolutions. You should also create a bucket list of things you want to do for fun this year. Then take both of those things and create yourself a nice vision board to remind you each and every day of the things you are working towards, the fun you want to have and the life you want to live. Set yourself up for success and envision all the things you want to do and all the goals you want to accomplish this year. Put it in writing and make it something you’ll see on a regular basis.

Vision boards give you a constant visual of all the things that are important to you. You can create a totally private vision board on your computer, or a huge vision board hung in your bedroom or office. You can create it however you want and add whatever you want to it. The main point of a vision board is to remind you daily what you are working towards. Many people say that vision boards are super helpful in so many ways.

If you want to know why you should use one then just check out this article.

Become the best version of yourself

Sometimes taking some time to focus on yourself is one of the most rewarding things you can do. Focus on healing your insecurities, dealing with your temper, or finding some genuine happiness within yourself. Sometimes its easy to ignore the why. Why are you down in the dumps, why are you struggling to get out of bed, or why can’t you seem to focus on your goals. There are so many things we can do to work on bettering ourselves. Sit down and think of what the best version of yourself looks like.

Maybe you need to find some self-help books to help you get through a rough time, or maybe a motivational podcast could help. You might realize your health isn’t where it should be and you need to focus on that or see a doctor. We get so busy in life just living, working, spending time with family or friends, playing on social media, and other things that sometimes we forget to focus on ourselves and what kind of person we want to be. We also tend to pick up on the flaws of others, but not recognize our own as easily. Focus on how you can be a better person, how to heal your mind, and how to feel the best all in all and you will be surprised at the changes that will follow in your life.

Find the positives, and remove the negatives, treat your mind right

Find positive thoughts, get rid of the negative ones. Positivity brings the most comfort and happiness in your life. Sometimes people tend to think that being positive is all about sunshine and rainbows. They will say it’s unrealistic and fake, but once you incorporate it into your own life you will realize how really amazing it is. Positivity feeds positivity. When you are happy and positive you attract more positiveness. No, not every situation is easy to find the “good” in, but it helps to try. Push yourself to find positivity in every situation you can, and you will be able to push through any situation.

Remember the things you can’t change. Don’t let your mind fall into a negative space worrying about things out of your control. If you can’t change it why allow yourself to be upset about it. Rid yourself of negative emotions, situations, and people. You choose the life you live, and the company you keep. If it doesn’t bring you joy most of the time maybe it’s time to make a change.

That’s it ya’ll. Enjoy your year, and have fun creating your new year resolutions!

That’s all she wrote, literally. Let’s dream big this year. Let’s accomplish every goal possible. Work harder. Be kinder. Let’s be that bitch this year. All we have to do is focus on our goals. WE GOT THIS. Remember, if you have to start to overdo it. If you have to start over 10 times this year just do it. Get back up on the horse of accomplishing your goals and try again, maybe eventually it will stick, and maybe you’ll need to start over again. Either way, it’s better than quitting.

Check out this article from Forbes magazine on how to succeed with your new year’s resolutions.

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