Festive Winter Drinks That You Will Love

by jessicalynnschinkovec

Who wouldn’t love trying different drinks for each season? So… I searched through Pinterest and I found some fun winter drinks. (Which means none of these recipes are mine fyi) But guess who made and tried them all? This girl! All in one night I might add. As far as I remember they are amazing, jk I remember. But I did end up with a little buzz, whoops!

If you’re looking for a fun and festive beverage for the wintertime, test out one of these! If only I would have done this before the holidays! When I first thought of winter drinks I mostly thought about hot drinks, but as I thought more about some flavors of winter I realized there was a lot more to offer.

Alcoholic Winter Drinks.

Let’s start with the drinks that have alcohol in them, because yes I think they are more fun. All ingredient lists are for one single serving.

Cranberry Margarita

I have really started loving margaritas. I spent most of the summer drinking some margs. During fall I fell in love with an apple cider margarita and now finally I have found one I enjoy for the wintertime! It is super simple, doesn’t involve any crazy ingredients, and tastes amazing (if you like cranberry). I will say you probably won’t like it if you don’t like cranberry juice but otherwise its quite tasty.


  • Fill Glass With Ice
  • Add 1 shot (1.5 oz) Tequila
  • Squeeze a small lime, or a splash of lime juice
  • Squeeze some orange
  • Top with cranberry juice
  • Garnish with oranges and limes

I didn’t have any limes so, I just used lime juice and garnished it with my oranges. Just in case you were wondering. Find the exact recipe here.

Cranberry Moscow Mules

Can you tell I am really enjoying cranberry… smh I can’t help it. Don’t worry there are one or two without it as well. Moscow mules have been another recent addition to drinks I have been enjoying. Clearly, I am getting old based on the fact that I never would have thought about drinking one of these years ago, but hey they are good. Actually, I think I tried a Moscow mule when I was first 21 and thought they were nasty. Oh, how the taste buds have evolved.

Ingredients (another easy one guys! and this one is very similar to the last.)

  • Fill Glass With Ice
  • Add 1 Shot (1.5 oz) Vodka
  • Fill Glass 3/4 Full of ginger beer
  • Squeeze a small lime, or a splash of lime juice
  • Squeeze some orange
  • Top with cranberry juice
  • Garnish with oranges and limes

These Moscow Mules were really great! Probably my second favorite of the alcoholic drinks, mostly because its a cold drink and not a hot one. This drink is also called the Yule Mule, and the recipe came from a blog called YOGA of Cooking.

Peanut Butter Whiskey Hot Chocolate

When the Screwball Peanut Butter Whiskey came out everyone was raving about it. I hate whiskey.. literally. But for some reason, I thought… mmmm peanut butter. I honestly thought I would love it because it’s called peanut butter whiskey. Guess what happened. Grabbed a glass put it on ice took a sip and you can imagine what face I made. I nearly spit it back out. Yup. Still whiskey. Still nasty. So I tried to think about what it might taste good with and my first thought was hot chocolate. And let me tell you it’s good.

The ingredients are simple. Two things.

  • Add 1 Shot (1.5 oz) Screwball Peanut Butter Whiskey to a glass
  • Finish with your favorite hot chocolate

If you want to be a little extra then top it with some whipped cream for fun and flavor. I probably don’t think I will have hot chocolate again without this in it to be completely honest. Another great winter drink. Also, this recipe I came up with myself just in case you didn’t pick up on that.

Hot Toddies

Hot Toddies have always been rumored to be the best drink for a cold. Traditionally called a hot whiskey in Ireland, because it is basically hot whiskey, lemon, and some spices. Again another whiskey drink. And if you have read before I am not a whiskey fan. After trying the drink I was surprised. It actually cleared out my sinuses pretty well. I will say that I have read that you can also make them with rum, and next time I will opt for that instead. But I had to make my first one the original way ofcourse.


  • 1tbsp honey
  • a squeeze of lemon juice
  • 1 shot (1.5oz) of whiskey
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Fill glass with hot black tea

Personally, I had to add some more hot tea to mine to cover the bite of the whiskey but after I did that I really enjoyed it! This is the basic recipe of a hot toddy, but there are many ways to do it differently.

Warm Rum Punch

The warm rum punch was my absolute favorite of the drinks I tried. Being as I am a rum person, it is only natural that my favorite drink would be the one with the rum in it. I also did not have apple cider so I DIY’ed my own apple cider using apple juice, so it was not as simple. Still it wasn’t hard at all.


  • In a pot on medium heat add
  • 2 cups apple cider
  • 1 cup cranberry juice
  • add cinnamon sticks
  • squeeze and orange and add the rest of the orange to the pot
  • a dash of clove
  • a dash of nutmeg
  • you can also add a dash of cinnamon if you feel you need more
  • cook for 5-10 minutes
  • then add in a shot (1.5 oz) of rum

This recipe was found at a blog called The Search For Imperfection. The link provided is to the recipe itself.

Non-Alcoholic Winter Drinks.

Last but not least a few nonalcoholic drinks for those that don’t drink. Honestly, I now have started making these drinks more than any others, because they are both based on tea. Hot tea is my favorite in the winter.

Cinnamon Milk Tea

This tea has quickly become a go to night time drink for me. I always love a nice cup of hot tea at the end of the day. Its super relaxing and the cinnamon is a great addition.

Ingredients (This isn’t the exact recipe I found on pinterest, I tweaked mine a little bit to make it the way I like it, so this is what I did)

  • First I brewed about a half of my mug of black tea
  • Then fill the rest with milk and reheat until its nice and hot
  • Add in a teaspoon of cinamon
  • Then add a tablespoon of maple syrup

Trust me it is so delicious.

Thanks for joining me today while I drink fun drinks and talk about them!! I hope you get the chance to try a few!! Have a great day! Enjoy.

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