10 Ways to Make Your New Years Resolutions a Success.

by jessicalynnschinkovec

Happy 2023 Y’all!! It is officially almost the end of January. Were a whole month in already. Tell me, where are you so far? Have you started figuring out your goals? Have you accomplished any of your New Years Resolutions yet? Well, thankfully you still have time. There seems to be an even split between those who love the idea of a new year and new goals/ new you and those that think its stupid to be one of those people that creates goals for the year. Maybe those non-new years goals people are just afraid that they won’t accomplish their goals, so they never even bother to try. Which means those that don’t even try never had a chance anyway. So, forget about those people, make goals, yearly, monthly, and weekly.


Just do it. Write them down and give it your best go to accomplish them all. No matter what your dreams whether it be to travel more, lose weight, or become financially free a little motivation and determination can make anything come true. So instead of wasting time daydreaming of what your dream life could look like, why don’t you sit down and make that dream a reality.

Lets Go.

So now that you’re on the bandwagon to setting goals, and new years resolutions have you set yours yet? I set mine. I’ve even started accomplishing things little by little, and so can you. There are so many ways to really help push yourself into the mindset of setting goals and I am going to share a few of my favorite ones here for ya. That way if you need a little help you can try one of these methods.

10 different tips, tricks and challenges to think about when trying to kick start your new year resolutions.
My current vision board
This is my current vision board, posted on the background of my computers and my iPad

The first and most important step you need to do is to take some time to figure out what exactly your New Years Resolutions are.

What is it that you want in life. Take a second, step back and think. If there were no limitations in life and you could have anything in the world what would you come up with? Now take those things and figure out how could you make that happen? Let’s just say that you want to be the president of the United States. What steps would need to be taken in order for you to get there? Now do that. Sometimes it can be hard to imagine that our dreams can come true. As long as you take the time to purse it and work hard on accomplishing those dreams it can absolutely happen. Here’s a few things to think about when figuring out what you want.

  • Recently a video of Steve Harvey went viral. It was a video of him talking about creating a list of 300 things you want from God. The idea behind it is that you sit down and write down 300 things you want. From travel, to cars, home, lifestyle, anything and everything you can think of, write it down. It forces you to open up your mind and really come up with ideas. Here’s the link to the video, so you can check it out yourself. Here’s the link to Steve Harveys Write Your Vision .
  • Sit down with yourself and really think about where you want to be at the end of the year, or even long term. Where do you want to be in life, and then backtrack to what steps need to be taken to get yourself there.
  • I wrote a post about some different resolution ideas as well. Check it out here if your interested.

Research, research, research.

Once you know what you want your going to want to learn about it. Take some time to do research on how others have accomplished that particular goal, and give yourself ideas on where you need to start. For instance if your goal is to lose weight your going to want to know how. What kind of food to eat, meals to prep, how much you should be exercising. I mean you can totally wing it, but you will probably have the most luck by do doing your due dilligence and doing some research. Here’s a few great ways to keep learning..

  • Read. Read everything. From books to blogs, you can find the information your looking for everywhere.
  • Listen to podcasts. There are so many great free podcasts out there, you could be listening and learning while in the car on the way to work, not taking any additional time out of your day.
  • Use social media intentionally. How could I forget about social media. You know one of those many apps your probably scrolling on every time you take your lunch break. Everyone is posting information all over their socials for free. Hell you could learn how to cook by watching tiktoks and YouTube.

Which brings us into the next one.

Be open to learn.

Learning and educating yourself is always a substantial factor in life. Education and information is something that can never be taken from you. So feed your mind. Feed it with as much fuel for life as you can.

  • Listen to motivational podcasts / books. Motivational books and podcasts are a great way to feed your mind with positivity and drive. Keeping your mind in a good place is key to sticking to your goals. The more driven and positive you are the better you will be.
  • Take classes. Don’t be afraid to take a class, there are plenty of free classes offered all over the internet. Whatever your goals are there are always classes you can be taking. Maybe your goal is to travel more, but you just can’t afford it, so maybe taking a money management class would be useful or even a business class to start a side hustle that will make you some extra cash. You can take classes on everything from mental health and wellness, to business and everywhere in-between.
  • Find good mentors. Find a professional, someone who has done what you would like to do this year, and follow them. Listen to their advice and learn from them.

No matter what your goals are for the year you should most certainly be spending time learning. Taking in all the information you can about achieving your particular goal. If you want to lose weight then you should be learning about diet and exercise. Instead of mindlessly scrolling on socials with no real purpose, trade that in for searching about specific things that relate to your goal. Feed your mind with more useful information that could potentially help you accomplish everything you want.

Only work on a few goals at a time.

It is said that if your goals and aspirations list is super long then you should choose 3 to be your main goals to focus on. Sometimes when you have loads of goals you can get lost trying to do so much for each goal that it is easier to map out your 3 top goals and focus 80% of your time on those. Then once you finish one goal you can add another to the list .

Practice gratitude.

Gratitude is a positive emotion mostly focusing on what is good in your life and what you should be thankful for. Learning how to appreciate the good that you do have in your life can change your entire outlook. Research says that practicing gratitude has a direct collation with happiness. Practicing gratitude can help improve positivity, and build stronger relationships. Some small ways to practice gratitude include.

  • find something to be thankful for everyday.
  • give back. Giving back is always a great way to show that you are grateful.
  • Try to give compliments to yourself and others as often as you can.
  • Practice gratitude rituals.
    • Write down 3-5 things you are thankful for everyday
    • Say grace before meals.
    • volunteer at a food bank or hospital
Gratitude by definition is the quality of being thankful; rediness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Haven’t you ever had your parents tell you to be grateful for what you have? You never really think about how important and good it is for your soul until you get older. You should always keep in your mind no matter how much more you want out of life, there are also so many ways that you have been blessed that others maybe have not. And remembering to be thankful for the good things and good people in our lives is uber important. It is also important to show people that you appreciate them, and to give out and return kindness as often as you can. Always try to keep gratitude in your heart.

Work on your time managment.

Just about everyone in life needs to work on their time management. Finding time to focus on your goals is super important in making them a reality. Most of us, myself included blame the fact that there isn’t enough time in a day to get everything done we want to get done. Think back to when you were younger, somehow you found time to go to school, play sports, hang out with your friends, work, and so many other things and yet you probably had times when you were bored. Maybe that was just me. Anyway you get the point. Life was simpler back then, there wasn’t as many responsibilities or stresses. But if we take the time to step back and manage time wiser, and get distracted less then there is a good possibility the time can be found to do it all.

  • Try getting up earlier. There are so many studies out there that say getting up earlier is the key to success, hell there’s an entire book called the 5am club that talks all about it.
  • Try to not allow yourself to get distracted. Distraction gets the best of all of us sometimes, but if you can manage to limit distractions then you will be more likely to stay on task and utilize your time more wisely. In one of the recent books I listened to the author says to try to remind yourself if you are being productive or if you are just being busy. Ask yourself, is what I am doing productive for my goals or is it a distraction. Then, move on.
  • One great thing I love to do is to set a timer for certain things. If I want to get something cleaned before I start working on my blog I might set a timer for 30 minutes that way I don’t get distracted by other things. Sometimes using a timer can help push you to race the clock a little and focus on getting done what you need to get done in a certain amount of time.
  • Try time blocking. Time blocking is another method that has great success. If you block out certain time to focus on a certain thing and not allow yourself to do anything else during that time then it may help. Some people even time block their entire day including how much time they will allow themselves to relax and lounge. People say it works. I personally haven’t tried the whole time blocking thing. I will say that I do plan on trying it for myself.

Staying busy, and working hard will get tiring. It is okay to allow yourself some time to relax and focus on things not goal specific. I think taking a break is important to be able to come back stronger than ever. Although, I think break time is just something we need to manage properly. Which brings us right back to time managment. If we manage our time well we can do fun things and relax.

Keep your spaces and mind clean and organized. Resolve to stay organized. An organized space is an organized mind.

Ive said it before and I shall say it 100 times more. Get your shit organized. An organized space helps keep your mind more organized. When you are constantly reminded of all the mess you have following you around, it will continually interrupt your focus on what’s truly important. Also if your spaces are clean you will also spend less time trying to find things and tripping over all of your junk which will also help you with time management.

Try using different tricks, and challenges to push you along the way.

Sometimes you many need to add a few tricks and tips to get in excited to kick ass. There are so many different challenges, and tricks that you can try. Spend 5 minutes on google and you will probably come up with hundreds. Here’s one I am currently using for myself.

  • The 12 week year is one that I have recently discovered and decided to implement for goal setting. The 12 week year is a system created to help you set and accomplish goals even faster. The thought behind it is that cutting down the time frame of goals from one year to 12 weeks creates more of a sense of urgency. So basically you take your goal for the year and split it up on what needs to get done per quarter in order to make that goal happen. And then you focus everything one at a time. Check out the book. The 12 Week Year by Brian Moran.
  • Try a 30 day productivity challenge. There are all different kinds of productivity challenges blasted all over the internet through Pinterest, google and TikTok. Find one you like and put it to the test. At the end of the challenge evaluate whether or not you feel like you accomplished more and if so keep doing more challenges.
  • There are challenges out there for just about anything, from becoming a better runner, to the 90 day hard, which is a super hard, yet successful fitness challenge that I one day hope to try. Do you RESEARCH (see what I did there) and find one that suits you and your goals.

Develop healthy routines. Having a healthy routine is key for success when accomplishing resolutions.

This one is pretty obvious. Ditch the bad habits, take care of your mind and your body, and put a good quality routine in place to allow you to function at your highest level. Most people say that not opening up their phone for the first few hours of the day is a great healthy habit that allows them to get so much more done. Try out a few healthy habits and find the routine that allows you to be the most productive.

Even just changing up your diet and eating habits can drastically change the amount of energy you have in a day. With more energy your focus will be stronger and you will be able to accomplish more. So definitely work on creating better and healthier routines for yourself.

Create a step by step plan to break down each goal and resolution.

Break each goal down so that you can see how many small accomplishments make up that entire goal. For instance if you want to lose 15 pounds in three months that may seem like a lot especially since you may have been trying to months. But maybe your going about it all wrong. Lets break it down. 15 pounds in three months is five pounds a month, and little over a pound a week. When you break it down like that it sounds super simple. How much easier it is to mark off one simple pound every week, and before you know it you will accomplish your goal. Breaking down your goals into sections and smaller accomplishments allows you to see the entire picture and might be less overwhelming.

There are so many other ways to kick start your new year but these are the ones that really hit home. So lets get started. Lets make a change. Lets grow internally and create the life we really strive for. One day at a time. One step at a time. You got this. I know that we can do anything that we put our minds to.

And last but not least, a little added bonus. Make it fun.

Find a way to enjoy kicking ass accomplishing your New Year’s resolutions. You are never going to be able to convince yourself to stick with your goals if you don’t find a way to enjoy it a little. Finding the fun in it is what is going to give you the drive to keep going. If you’re trying to lose weight, find workouts that you enjoy, create meals you love. There are so many ways to find ways to enjoy the process of chasing your dreams and working towards your goals, go find them.

Thanks for reading! HAPPY NEW YEAR!#! I hope your rock your new years resolutions this year!

Oh hey before you go. Make sure you keep an eye out for more posts that might help get shit done this year. I am on a mission to accomplish all my goals for this year so follow along as I continue to post all the things I am doing to accomplish mine. From organizational tips, books I’ve been reading, and methods I’m trying I’m going to be writing about them all!

Stay tuned! And have fun!

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1 comment

Scarlets February 27, 2023 - 1:58 pm

Love this post. Also, it made me think of this awesome (60ish minute read) book that really helped me! It is called ‘Negative Self-Talk and How to Change It’ by Shad Helmstetter Ph.D. It is a short to the point book and it is very good.

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